

My name is Dr. Michael Krochak, Co-Founder at the NYC Smile Spa, and this is my dental blog! I document the latest trends in dentistry and oral health and hygiene!

Dementia and Teeth

Dementia and Teeth

As we age and our loved ones age, there are so many medical, physical and psychological challenges that present themselves. One of the often overlooked challenges is maintaining proper oral health in our senior years. There are often physical and financial barriers to getting seniors to the dental office for routine and preventive care.

Multiple studies have found that tooth loss is a risk factor for cognitive decline and dementia. It was also noted that there was a direct relationship between the number of lost teeth and cognitive impairment, meaning the more lost teeth, the more the impairment. Whether lost teeth are replaced with bridgework, implants or even dentures, a full set of teeth and chewing capacity will help limit this risk factor. A multitude of other studies has shown a strong correlation between uncontrolled periodontal disease as a risk factor for Alzheimers and dementia. The only way to prevent periodontal disease is to have regular cleanings and to brush and floss regularly.

 Struggling with simple daily tasks such as brushing your teeth could be a sign of dementia. Being unable to carry out purposeful and highly practiced actions despite normal muscle strength and tone could indicate apraxia, one of the hallmark signs of Alzheimers.

 This research emphasizes the importance of maintaining good oral health as we age and its role in preserving cognitive function. Like most things, prevention is the key so prioritize this and go for regular dental checkups and cleanings throughout your life before these risk factors develop.

For more information, you can contact Dr. Michael Krochak at


NYC Smile Spa

30 E. 60th St., Rm 1201

New York, NY 10022

(212) 838-2900

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