

My name is Dr. Michael Krochak, Co-Founder at the NYC Smile Spa, and this is my dental blog! I document the latest trends in dentistry and oral health and hygiene!

Why A Dentist May be Your Best Option for Botox

Why A Dentist May be Your Best Option for Botox

So many types of medical professionals market Botox to their clients so it can be confusing as to whom to seek treatment. Dentists who are certified in Botox administration already have an extensive education and knowledge of your facial and head and neck anatomy as part of their training in dental school Dentists also give many more injections than most medical professionals. Unfortunately, many medical professionals overreach their medical license and specialty training in other areas to offer Botox as a profit center in their practices. Many medi-spas also have paraprofessionals without proper medical training administering botox “under their supervision” .

 I use Botox for medical reasons to help patients with chronic head and neck pains from teeth clenching or grinding habits. We usually make an oral appliance to lighten the forces of these habits as well but many patients need further treatment like Botox to keep these chronic pain patterns under control.

 If you are a registered dental patient of mine, I can also provide cosmetic Botox treatments to help eliminate or minimize crow’s feet, forehead lines or fine lines around your lips. I can even help minimize a gummy smile with Botox.

 For more information, you can contact Dr. Michael Krochak at


NYC Smile Spa

30 E. 60th St., Rm 1201

New York, NY 10022

(212) 838-2900

Brushing and Flossing Tips

Brushing and Flossing Tips

Keeping Your Dentist in Business!

Keeping Your Dentist in Business!