

My name is Dr. Michael Krochak, Co-Founder at the NYC Smile Spa, and this is my dental blog! I document the latest trends in dentistry and oral health and hygiene!

Worn Enamel: The Biggest Problem You Can't See

Worn Enamel: The Biggest Problem You Can't See

If you’re 35 or older, you may have a problem that could lead to the need for costly treatment like root canals and crowns – even cause you to lose one or more teeth. But the odds are you have no idea that your teeth are in danger because this devastating condition has virtually no symptoms, until it’s seriously advanced.

The problem, basically, is that hard as our tooth enamel is, it can and DOES wear down. When that happens, the softer dentin below the enamel begins to “cup,” causing what some dentists refer to as “potholes” in your teeth. Worse yet, the edges of these “potholes” can develop chips and micro-fractures, setting the stage for a downward spiral that can lead to some very serious problems.

That’s a shame – and totally unnecessary – because there are simple and effective ways to repair worn enamel and prevent future problems, if the condition is caught promptly. Catching it promptly can be a problem, though, because it’s simply not something you’re not likely to notice yourself.

Fighting Back

The good news is that our team has the training and tools to diagnose enamel loss at its earliest stages – before it has caused tooth-threatening damage. It’s something we look for every single time you come in for a cleaning or exam. And if we find signs thatyour tooth enamel is thinning, we have highly effective ways of stopping the problem in its tracks.

Basically, what we do is very gently reshape the affected area, then flow in an ultra high tech composite resin that matches your enamel in both color and strength. The process is simple, quick and comfortable.

In the vast majority of cases no anesthetic is needed and we can provide this reinforcement and protection for all your teeth that need it in just one visit. What’s more, this simple repair should last for many,many years – and, if needed, we can touch up the resin or redo it quickly and easily.

Of equal importance is diagnosing the cause which could be your bite relationship or habits such as grinding or clenching. Addressing the cause along with restoring the damage will preserve your teeth for a long time.


For more information, you can contact Dr. Michael Krochak at


NYC Smile Spa

30 E. 60th St., Rm 1201

New York, NY 10022

(212) 838-2900

Good bye Gummy Smile

Good bye Gummy Smile

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